Not a dream! Not a hoax! Adam ‘n’ Joe are BACK, and with a special Christmas gift to you and yours: a heavily researched year-end rundown of 2018's best movies, books, and TV!

Confession time: geeks though Adam & Joe are, Adam’s an anime lightweight — and Joe… well, Joe wouldn’t know a weeaboo from an Amiibo. But that hasn’t stopped Adam from thoroughly enjoying Rocket Jump’s new anime satire on YouTube, ANIME POLICE DIVISION! His review - plus all the best entertainment news - on this latest and greatest episode of The Golden Age!

If you want the 411 on what happened at DragonCon this year, there's few people better to ask than Adam — 'cuz he manned the information desk this year! Start this week's podcast for his misadventures; stay for Joe's review of JACK RYAN, and some positive news about the third season of TRUE DETECTIVE.

Will anyone besides N.K. Jemisin ever win another Hugo? Would Idris Elba make a good James Bond? And can the Vox Duo deliver an episode that’s under an hour? Adam and Joe dive into all the water-cooler conversation and come up with the answers you need. Plus: Joe makes sure you’re set for September with new TV and book recommendations!

Two months after Joe assigned Adam the task of watching the first season of THE WEST WING - and Adam fired right back with season one of THE WIRE - both of your favorite podcasters are done with their homework and ready to share with the class what they’ve learned about great television. Listen to their presentation now!

A man “considered to be” the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange was dead for days before anyone found him. Adam and Joe muse on the capital-A Artist’s peculiar career and the unique storytelling power of comics.

Writer Harlan Ellison passed away on June 28 — but his influence lives on! In tribute, Joe is showing Adam the curmudgeonly storyteller’s famous Star Trek episode “The City on the Edge of Forever”, as well as the very different script Ellison originally wrote for it. Why were so many changes made — and dare we ask which one is better?

Netflix! Hulu! Amazon! The options are becoming overwhelming. But Adam Volle and Joe Martin are here to help you stave off any impending panic attacks by giving you the low-down on two streaming service originals, SENSE8 and RUNAWAYS.

For years, Joe has been telling Adam that he should watch THE WEST WING. And, lately, Adam has been telling Joe that THE WIRE would be just the thing. It went from suggestion to reality, as they participated in their first cultural exchange program, each watching the other's beloved show.

Joe & Adam continue their one-sided argument with STAR WARS fandom by defending SOLO, a film that may be the Stalingrad of the franchise.